Daycare Management System in India

Daycare centres are very reliable and affordable as compared to some other kinds of kids care such as nannies. It wont quit on kids and it is available when a parent needs it. However, what goes behind keeping the shop running is not something everyone can understand. Unlike a school that runs for 3-4 hours, daycares need to prepare for keeping a little one engaged for more than 8 hours on a daily basis.

What do parents expect from Daycares?

  • Kids are learning
  • Kids are having fun and playing games
  • What kind of food is being served to their children
  • Be informed about the kid’s behaviour
  • Be informed about the kid’s academic progress
The job doesn’t just start with a program and end with it. The important part is to make sure that the parents well informed about their little ones.

What can a daycare do?

  • Design an after School Curriculum
  • Daycare management systems
  • Games and activity sheets
You will find vendors that help you design a curriculum, or some one else who might provide you a daycare management system and others who offer games and activity sheets. However, purchasing material from different vendors not only makes it difficult to manage and follow up, but also makes it extremely expensive to implement. A daycare should be looking at an affordable solution that is capable of addressing all the challenges and more.

A Technology Enabled Solution

We at Dweek Studios believe in simplicity and love to play with technology. We have been able to device a solution that goes beyond the traditional methods of management and education while making learning and communication more interesting than ever. BubbleBud Kids is a one-stop solution for all the needs of a Daycare. It is the first and most advanced daycare management system in India. Follow this link to learn more about what you could do in a cost effective manner.
Communication is key!

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